- Report of Contributions (ROC) – The report submitted by a signatory company to the Trust Funds containing the information required to add covered earnings and contributions for the writers working for the company. The ROC has mandatory fields which show signatory employer name, writer specific information, covered earnings, work periods, services rendered and pension and health contribution rates.
- Business Rules for Contribution Processing – The general rules for contribution processing to ensure the smooth handling of the reports and payments that each signatory employer submits.
- Report of Contributions (ROC) Instructions – The step by step guidelines for filling out the ROC fields.
- Employer Guide to Ceiling Calculations and Contribution Rates – Effective 05/02/16
- Agreement Rate Chart – A historical chart of the Pension and Health Rates from the inception of the Plan and Fund to date.
- Interest Policy – An explanation of PWGA’s policy to charge interest on late or delinquent contributions per the provisions of the Department of Labor’s Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). Employers are required to remit contributions in a timely manner without an invoice from the Trusts.
- Electronic File Layout Guide – The specifications and design for submitting reports of contributions electronically to our server.
- 2020 MBA 3rd Period Effective 5/2/22
- 2020 MBA 2nd Period Effective 5/2/21
- 2020 MBA 1st Notice Effective 5/2/20
- 2017 MBA 3rd Period Effective 5/2/19
- 2017 MBA 2nd Period Effective 5/2/18
- 2017 MBA 1st Period Effective 5/2/17
- 2014 MBA 3rd Period Effective 5/2/16
- 2014 MBA 1st Period Effective 5/2/14
- 2011 MBA 3rd Period Effective 5/2/13
- 2011 MBA 2nd Period Effective 5/2/12
- 2011 MBA 1st Period Effective 5/2/11
- WGA 2017 MBA Schedule of Minimums (for Compensation) – Minimum standards for compensation set forth by the WGA.
- WGA Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA) – The WGA Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA) is the bargaining agreement that covers work being performed by WGA writers.
- Related/Affiliated Companies – The form submitted by a signatory to list its known affiliates. Current Tax Laws require that the Pension Plan verify the affiliation of companies that contribute to the Plan. It is important that companies also understand our Withdrawal Liability procedures under the ERISA law. Click here for more information about our procedures and how it applies to the signatory companies and their affiliates in the Entertainment Industry.
- Reportable Earnings Schedule – A list of compensation types and explanation of what is reportable.
- Summary of Compensation Discrepancy Report – This form is to be used when you believe some or all of your earnings have not been correctly reported by your employer(s.) Please fill out as much information as you can and attach copies of your contracts and check stubs. This form and attachments may be emailed to [email protected], faxed to (818) 526-3197, or mailed to the Fund office, attention Employer Compliance.
- 10% Employer Notice – Specific rules that allow 10% Owners to remit contributions to the Trust Funds. A 10% owner is a writer who directly or indirectly owns (or is related to an owner of) 10% or more of the reporting signatory company or is an officer, board member, director (or serves in another similar capacity for a non-profit).
- Article 13 – The section of the Minimum Basic Agreement that covers writers who are employed for a feature length photoplay on a so-called flat deal basis.
- Article 14 – The section of the Minimum Basic Agreement that covers television writers who are employed in additional capacities. These writers may be executive producers, producers, associate producers, showrunners, story editors, or creative consultants, etc. Special reporting rules apply.
- Article 14 E2 – A section of Article 14 that describes writers working under additional capacity television development deals (scroll down to Section E2).
- Article 17 – The section of the Minimum Basic Agreement that describes the pension and health contribution reporting requirements, audits, and establishment of the Audit & Delinquency Committee.
Report of Contributions (ROC)
Minimum Basic Agreement (MBA)
The notification highlighting the Health Fund and Pension rates for a particular MBA period and/or any changes that are adopted by the Board of Directors.